MIAMI (CBSMiami) – The latest results from an ABC News/Washington Post poll finds the presidential race tied, but a definite enthusiasm gap is developing between the two candidates’ supporters.
According to the poll, Mitt Romney and President Barack Obama are tied overall at 47 percent. This has been the norm since last April with both candidates fluctuating between 44 and 52 percent support among registered voters.
But, 58 percent see President Obama winning the election compared to just 34 percent who believe Romney will win.
The poll found that 17 percent of Obama’s supporters said they could change their minds before Election Day, while 20 percent of Romney’s supporters said the same thing.
When it came to enthusiasm, Obama was still far outpacing Romney by a 13 percent margin. Additionally, 75 percent of supporters of Obama said they were for him versus just 37 percent of Romney supporters who said they were for the Republican. Nearly 60 percent of Romney supporters said they were just against Obama.
Obama and Romney split the vote on several key issues. On the economy and deficit, Romney is currently leading by five and 10 points respectively. On health care, taxes, and the Supreme Court, Obama is ahead. Both candidates are split evenly on immigration, the poll found.
By a 43-38 percent margin, voters said Obama has presented a clearer plan for dealing with the economy than Romney.
Still, 62 percent said the country is on the wrong track, which is politically perilous for Obama. It’s not as bad as 1992’s loss by George H.W. Bush (at one point the wrong track view hit 83 percent) or in June 1996 (70 percent wrong track) when President Clinton won a second term.
The wrong track view was at 55 percent when President George W. Bush won re-election over John Kerry in 2004.
The poll also found that 36 percent said Romney’s time at Bain Capital did more to create jobs, while 40 percent said he did more to cut U.S. jobs. This is a major sticking point for the election and is giving Romney’s campaign a problem in overwhelmingly winning the jobs argument, which he has to do.